Monday, November 11, 2013

The Cult-TV Faces of: Skeletons

Identified by David Colohan: The Starlost: "Voyage of Discovery"

Identified by SGB (and Brent Fox on Facebook): Space:1999: "Testament of Arkadia.'
Identified by David Colohan: Skeletor of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe

Identified by Sirrus: Star Trek: The Next Generation: "The Royale."

Identified by Kentucky Packrat: Star Trek: The Next Generation: "Loud as a Whisper."

Identified by David Colohan: The Simpsons

Identified by Sirrus: Star Trek Voyager: "Life Signs."

Identified by David Colohan: The X-Files: "Field Trip."

Identified by Brian: Farscape: "Home on the Remains."
Identified by Erik Johnson, Illustrator (and on Facebook: Ed Erdelac):  Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Tabula Rasa."

Identified by Erik Johnson, Illustrator: Smallville: "X-Ray."

Identified by David Colohan: Lost.

Identified by David Colohan: Doctor Who: "Silence in the Library."/"Forest of the Dead" (Vashta Nerada).

Identified by Kentucky Packrat: Merlin.


  1. David Colohan6:06 AM

    Hello there,
    Can't recognise episodes but here goes...

    1. The Starlost
    4. He-Man & the Masters Of The Universe - Skeletor
    7. The Simpsons
    9. The X-Files (though possibly Millennium)
    11. Fringe
    13. Lost
    14. Doctor Who

    Dyin' to find out what 6 & 15 are!

    1. Hi David,

      Great job, as always! All your identifications are correct except for #11. That's not Fringe! But you almost "slayed" it.

    2. 5 is ST:TNG, The Royale. The skeleton is the guy stuck in the hotel his whole life.

      6 is also ST:TNG, the episode where the Picard yells at the deaf guy. (OK, just cheated/Googled: Loud as a Whisper. The people dying are Riva's Chorus.)

      8 is one of the Star Trek series as well (gotta love consistent computer UI design), but I don't remember that episode.

      15 kinda looks like the BBC version of Merlin.

    3. Hi Kentucky Packrat, nice to see you! Your identifications are PERFECT, my friend. Well done!

  2. 5. Star Trek: TNG - The Royale
    8. Star Trek Voyager - can't think of the episode title

    1. Hi Sirrus,

      Outstanding identifications. Both are correct. #8 is from a Voyager called "Lifesigns."

  3. Hi John,

    #3 Space:1999 "Testament Of Arkadia"


    1. Hi SGB! Great job, my friend! Your Space:1999 id is correct!

  4. I just can't get up early enough on the west coast to play this anymore, ah well. But I believe that #10 is from Farscape.

    1. Hi Brian, you are definitely in time to get your i.d. in! That's from Farscape...well done!

  5. 11. Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Tabula Rasa"
    12. Smallville "X-Ray"

    1. Hi Erik!

      Well done! Both answers are correct!

      I believe that only leaves us with #2 outstanding...


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"