Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Collectibles of the Week: The Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark Collection (Kenner; 1982)

One toy collection that I never owned -- but which I sure as hell wished I did -- was the Kenner Indiana Jones collection released in 1982 and 1983, after Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), but before the release of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984).

Anyway, Kenner -- the company responsible for the great 3.34 Star Wars line of the time -- released two amazing series of Indiana Jones-related action figures and play sets.  

For some reason, I don't even really remember seeing these toys much in stores, perhaps because, at age 12, I was becoming ever-more self-conscious about my love of toys, and moving away from them.  I ultimately regressed, thankfully, and accepted wholly my enduring love of toys, but the years 1982 - 1985 were lost to me, alas, save for a few precious items.

In the first Indiana Jones set, from 1982, Kenner released several small action figures with accouterments, including Indiana Jones, Marion Ravenwood, the villainous Toht and the Cairo Swordsman. 

The last figure, the Swordsman, is kind of a lame choice for an action figure, I readily acknowledge. He was the butt of the movie's best joke, and not exactly a great or menacing villain.  Also, Belloq "in Ceremonial Robes" was offered at this time as a mail-away prize.  He was included in the second series as well.

The playsets from Series One were amazing, and I'd love to have these today.  They were "The Well of Souls" ("The Hiding Place of the Ancient Ark!") and "the Map-Room."

In 1983, more action figures came along, including Sallah, Indiana Jones in German uniform (another odd choice, I admit...), the German Mechanic (who got pulped by the Flying Wing)..., Belloq, and Indy's "Arabian Horse."  

The playsets in this case were very cool as well: "Desert Convoy Truck" and "the Streets of Cairo."  I'm most interested in the Streets of Cairo set. I've never seen it anywhere, and if I'm not mistaken it comes complete with Marion's treacherous monkey pet.

Again, how could I have been unaware of these toys?

Below, a commercial for Kenner's Indiana Jones line of toys.  If you're like me, you can watch it and dream of being a kid again.  If Adventure has a name...

1 comment:

  1. I do remember these. They looked cool. Alas, I was devoted to collecting Star Wars figures at the time. It's a shame they couldn't have become as big as the Star Wars figures and have characters and sets from all three movies.


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