Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Reader Top Ten Greatest Science Fiction Films of the 1970s: Chuck Kim

Artist, cartoonist, and friend, Chuck Kim, provides us our second list of Tuesday, in the Reader Top tally of “ten greatest science fiction films of the 1970s.”

Chuck’s list:

10. Logan's Run

09. The Brood

08. Close Encounters of the Third Kind

07. Mad Max

06. The Boys from Brazil

05. Invasion of the Body Snatchers

04. Superman

03. Star Wars

02. A Clockwork Orange

01. Alien

Chuck: You’ve got some great titles on the list.  I cover The Brood in my book on SF cinema of the 1970s because even though it features strong horror elements, there’s also the sci-fi aspect of mad science (though in this case, the science in question is psychology.)  

I also love that another “mad science” film of the decade made your list: The Boys of Brazil, a 1978 film about the plot to create 94 Hitler clones, and a splendid depiction of the whole nature vs. nurture debate.

In fact, 1978 is well-represented on your list with Capricorn One, The Boys from Brazil, Superman, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  Those are all classic titles, to be sure.

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