Sunday, August 19, 2012

What I'm Reading Now: The Sixties.

“The American mainstream greeted the challenge in its usual way: trying partly to expunge the menace, partly to domesticate it.  And sometimes both at once: Ed Sullivan insisted that Elvis Presley would never dark his Sunday night television variety door, then relented under commercial pressure and paid fifty thousand dollars for Elvis’s three famous 1956 appearances. Contrary to youth culture myth, Elvis’s famous pelvis was shown on the first two shows; it was only the third time that censors refused to let the camera descend below his waist.”

-Author Todd Gitlin discusses America and the mainstreaming of Rock-and-Roll in The Sixties: Years of Hope and Years of Rage, Revised Edition (A Bantam Book; 1993, page 42).


  1. I can only hope this is in preparation for Horror Films of the 1960s...


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"