Sunday, August 12, 2012

Future Fashion Trend: 1970s Edition


  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    John, three of my favorites things of being a boy in the ‘70s was experiencing the premiere first-run debut of Space:1999 in September 1975, Ark II in September 1976 and Star Trek:The Motion Picture on December 7th 1979. I liked all three uniform designs, especially because Alpha Moonbase, Ark II and Starfleet uniforms all had color-coded parts that defined section, gender or branch of service. In the J.J. Abrams Star Trek(2009) film had in the final scene Admiral Pike wearing a uniform like Kirk’s admiral uniform in your screen cap, nice nod to Star Trek:The Motion Picture. I love the '70s production designs.


    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Me, too. No matter what some people have said about the uniforms in Star Trek - The Motion Picture, I still like them to this day.

  2. While I wasn't as enamored with these uniforms as others seem to be, as a kid when I notices the similarities, it made it easier to play mind games connecting them, like: after the moon blasted out of orbit, the wrecked earth needed surveying, until Captain Kirk brought the moon back, dressed like the Alphans not to scare them.
    I hope JKM writes more about the future's sartorial choices,


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"