Monday, August 06, 2012

Television and Cinema Verities #31

"One of the biggest influences on me while I was growing up was seeing Terry Gilliam's production value on a lot of Monty Python films, because I felt like here were these serious historical pictures and they all seemed too clean and too imperfect and Hollywood and then suddenly, you'd go and see "The Life of Brian" or "Holy Grail," and it felt like you could smell how bad it was and how gross it was, and I thought, "I bet you it was more like that." So there's this found imperfect dirty quality to it that I loved and I wanted to make it feel like that for Mars so you just believed, "Maybe it really existed.""

- John Carter (2012) director Andrew Stanton discusses his creative influences with interview Edward Douglas at Coming, on February 29, 2012.

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