Monday, May 21, 2012

The Cult-TV Faces of: The Judge

Identified by Chris G: Fritz Weaver in The Twilight Zone: "The Obsolete Man."

Identified by Hugh: Trelane (William Campbell) in Star Trek: "The Squire of Gothos."

Identified by Meredith: The Judges of Luton from Space: 1999:" The Rules of Luton."

Identified by Andrew Glazebrook: Blake's 7: "The Way Back."

Identified by Hugh: Commander Adama (Lorne Greene) in BSG: "Murder on the Rising Star."

Identified by Hugh: Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: "Testimony of a Traitor."

Identified by Hugh: Q (John De Lancie) in Star Trek: The Next Generation: "Encounter at Farpoint."

Identified by Hugh: Judge Henry Bone (Ray Walston) on Picket Fances.

Identified by the Sci-Fi Fanatic: Millennium's "The Judge" (Marshall Bell) from "The Judge"
Identified by Chris G: Makbar (Caroline Lagerfelt) in Deep Space Nine: "Tribunal."

Identified by Chris G: "The Judge" (Brian Thompson) in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Identified by Chris G: The X-Files: "The Truth."


  1. 2. Star Trek, The Squire of Gothos (William Campbell)
    5. Battlestar: Galactica
    6. Buck Rogers
    7. ST: The Next Generation, Encounter at Farpoint (John DeLancie as Q)
    8. Picket Fences (Ray Walston as Judge Bone)

    1. Hugh:

      Yes, absolutely! Great identifications, sir! Every one of 'em is right on the mark. You successfully took five gallery images off the table!

      Great job!

  2. Anonymous7:17 AM

    #3) Space:1999, The Rules of Luton


    1. Hi Meredith,

      I can always count on you to recognize the imagery from Space:1999 or any other Gerry Anderson program, and this week is no different. Yep, those are the "Judges of Luton" from the Year 2 Space 1999 episode. Perfect!

  3. Chris G7:21 AM

    1. Twilight Zone, The Obsolete Man
    10. DS9
    11. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and I see what you did there!)
    12. The X-Files, The End

    1. Hi Chris,

      Four more excellent identifications of Judges, and there were some tough ones there. All your ids are correct, my friend.

      This leaves only #4 and #9 left.

      Great job!

  4. Sir,
    #9 is The Judge from Chris Carter's Millennium Season One. ---SFF

    1. SFF,

      As always, you rock! That is indeed "The Judge" (Marshall Bell) from the first season episode of Millennium titled "The Judge." What a great episode that is, right? Crazy stuff...

      Excellent job, my friend! There's only one gallery image left on the table...

  5. I'd say 4 is Blake's 7 !!!

    1. Brilliant Andrew! That is indeed an image from Blake's 7, from the first episode "The Way Back." Well done, you've capped off today's game!

      Excellent work, my friend.



AF Episode 5: "The Doll"