Monday, October 15, 2012

The Cult-TV Faces of: The Vampire

Identified by Hugh: The Salt Vampire from Star Trek's: "The Man Trap."
Identified by Hugh: Barnabas Collins (Jonathan Frid) of Dark Shadows.

Identified by SGB: Victor Buono in Rod Serling's Night Gallery: "A Midnight Visit to the Neighborhood Blood Bank."

Identified by SGB: Hal Linden in Ghost Story: "Elegy for a Vampire."

Identified by Carl: Janos Skorzeny (Barry Atwater) from "The Night Stalker."

Identified by Hugh: The Count from Sesame Street.

Identified by Hugh: Count Dracula (Lorne Greene) from The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries.

Identified by Carl: the Vorvon (Nicholas Hormann) from Buck Rogers: "Space Vmapire."

Identified by SGB: Roy Dotrice as Count Draco in Tales from the Darkside: "My Ghostwriter, the Vampire."

Identified by Carl: The Haemovores from Dr Who: "Curse of Fenric."

Identified by SGB: Tales from the Crypt: "The Reluctant Vampire."

Identified by SGB: Geordie Johnson as Dracula, in Dracula: The Series.

Identified by Carl: Nick Knight (Geraint Wyn Davies) in "Forever Knight."

Identified by Duanne: Julian Luna (Marc Frankel) in Kindred: The Embraced.

Identified by Duanne: Darla (Julie Benz) in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Identified by Hugh: Drusilla (Juliet Landau) and Spike (James Marsters) from Buffy.

Identified by Carl: The X-Files: "Bad Blood.."

Identified by Hugh: Angel (David Boreanaz) as Angelus, in Angel.

Identified by Hugh: Lana Lang in Smallville: "Thirst."

Identified by Carl: Mick St. John (Alex O'Laughlin) in Moonlight.

Identified by Hugh: Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) in The Vampire Diaries.

Identified by Hugh: Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer) in True Blood.

Identified by Hugh: Aidan Turner as Mitchell in Being Human.

Identified by Hugh: Sam Witwer as Aidan in Being Human (American version).


  1. 1. Star Trek--Salt Vampire
    2. Dark Shadows--Barnabas Collins
    6. Sesame Street--Count von Count
    7. Hardy Boys--Dracula
    15. Looks like a vamped out one from Buffy
    16. Spike and girlfriend on Buffy
    18. Angel--presumably from Angel
    19. Smallville
    21. Vampire Diaries--Damon
    22. True Blood--Bill
    23 & 24. Being Human--British & American

    1. Hi Hugh,

      Excellent job on these identifications!

      Well done!

  2. 5 the night stalker telemovie
    8 buck rogers in the 25th century
    10 doctor who: the curse of fenric
    13 forever knight
    17 x-files
    20 moonlight
    Them there's a lot of vampires

    1. Carl,

      Great job on these ids. And yes, there are a lot of cult tv vampires, aren't there?

  3. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Hi John,

    #3 Night Gallery
    #4 Circle Of Fear
    #9 Tales Of The Darkside
    #11 Tales From The Crypt
    #12 Dracula:The Series


    1. Wow!

      SGB, you rock! You just nailed the most obscure and difficult identifications on the list. Holy smokes!

      Well done, my friend.


  4. #14. Julian Luna (Mark Frankel) from Kindred: The Embraced
    #15. Darla (Julie Benz) from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    1. Duanne,

      Well done! Great identifications, and 100% right!



AF Episode 5: "The Doll"