Monday, October 22, 2012

Late Night Blogging: A Survey of Haunted House Movies (1940s - 1970s)

1 comment:

  1. The 'Amityville Horror' and I have a special relationship. The 'Amityville Horror' totally bugged me out as a 10 yr old because I read the 'true story' the year before by Jay Anson, and being that this was the 70's, a much, much, more naive time...I totally believed that if a story was labeled as true, that it was, no questions need to be asked. At the time of the release of the film, I lived in a large Victorian that had a very similar interior design as that in the movie, even down to the little red room in the basement. Needless to say, 10 yr old me was totally wigged. In combination with the book and the images from the film, I refused to go in the basement for weeks, even to the point where I started sleepwalking and I would literally wake up in the aforementioned red room. Wow! You talk about a really, truly freaked out kid! Scared to death of the basement during waking hours, only to wake up the DARK! THAT....was the last straw and my parents banned ALL horror in the house for 6 months.
    At least until 'The Shining' was released.


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"