Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Back in Print: Space: 1999 The Forsaken

I’m very pleased to announce that my first Space: 1999 novel, 2003’s The Forsaken, goes back into print this week at Powys Media. 

The novel sold out shortly after publication almost a decade ago, and has been absolutely unaffordable on the second-hand market ever since.  The other day I saw copies of the novel selling for $146.00 on Amazon.  I can't even afford one!

So anyway, if you’re interested in reading my novel, which bridges Year One and Year Two of Space: 1999, be sure to order soon. Order information is forthcoming.

My next Space: 1999 novel, The Whispering Sea -- a bridge novel between “The Metamorph” and “The Exiles,” and which documents Maya’s first steps on Moonbase Alpha -- is now slated for a November 2012 release.

I’ll let you know the details as I get them.


  1. Anonymous8:05 PM

    John good news on both your SPACE:1999 novels! I look forward to them.


  2. Congrats on books old and new, John. Can't wait for November. Hard to believe it's been nearly 13 years since I met you at Breakawaycon!


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"