Monday, September 10, 2012

Television and Cinema Verities #36

“The first fifth of the script – a great deal of the emotional basis for the film takes place in the first fifth.  There are three or four important scenes where the characters are all together.  You have to establish the dynamics of the romance that follows and the drama that follows. In fact, you’re not going to have many opportunities later in the film to bring the people together again and have them talk. So, you have to figure out how these people feel about each other now on the planet Hoth; what is implied about what happened since we last saw them at the awards ceremony.” 
-         -  Lawrence Kasdan discusses the writing of The Empire Strikes Back (1980). (Blake Mitchell and James Ferguson, “Man of Many Words,” Fantastic Films, Volume 3, Number 2, July 1980, page 10.)

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