Saturday, September 08, 2012

Cult-TV Gallery: Brooke Bundy

In Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea: "The Cyborg."

In Rod Serling's Night Gallery: "Death on a Barge."

In Circle of Fear: "Earth, Air, Fire and Water."

In Land of the Lost: "The Zarn."

In Starman: "Starscape, Part I."

In Star Trek: The Next Generation: "The Naked Now."


  1. The 17th of 4276 chief engineers during TNG's first season.

  2. Brooke Bundy was a good character actress, who appeared in so many of the popular TV shows of the 1960s. I have her on DVD in episodes of "Judd for the Defense," "The F.B.I.", "Mannix", "Run for Your Life", and "Mission: Impossible" just to name a few. But I'll always think of her as the neighbor who Suzanne Pleshette befriends in the classic made-for-TV movie "Along Came a Spider" (1970). My all-time favorite TVM.


Shatner Day! Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier  is widely-regarded as the worst  Star Trek  film ever made.  Of course, that's wrong.   These days we h...