Monday, September 24, 2012

The Cult-TV Faces of: Masks

Identified by Hugh: The Twilight Zone: "The Masks."

Identified by William Mercado: Star Trek: "Conscience of the King."

Identified by Hugh: False Face (Malachi Throne) on Batman.

Identified by Hugh: The Green Hornet.

Identified by William Mercado: Space:1999 "One Moment of Humanity"

Identified by Hugh: Varek on Buck Rogers, "The Plot to Kill A City."

Identified by Carl: Buck Rogers: "The Dorian Secret."

Identified by Hugh: Diana (Jane Badler) on V.

Identified by Hugh: Catherine (Linda Hamilton) in Beauty and The Beats: "Masques."
Identified by Hugh: Star Trek: The Next Generation: "Masks."

Identified by Terri Wilson: The X-Files: "Our Town."

Identified by Hugh: Nightman.

Identified by Terri Wilson: Millennium: "A Single Blade of Grass."

Identified by Carl: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "A Single Blade of Grass."

Identified by William Mercado: Farscape.

Identified by Le0pard13: The Carver on Nip/Tuck.

Identified by Hugh: Star Girl (Britt Irvin) on Smallville.


  1. 1. Twilight Zone
    3. Batman
    4. Green Hornet
    6. Buck Rogers
    8. V
    9. Beauty and the Beast
    10. Star Trek: The Next Generation
    11. Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
    12. NightMan
    17. Smallville

    1. Happy Monday, Hugh!

      Great job, my friend. Every single one of those identifications is right! Well done.

      That leaves on the table #2, #5, #7, #13, #14, #15, #16.

    2. Whoops! Sorry, Hugh, You got all those right save for one! #11 is not Buffy. Didn't catch that at first. So #11 is still on the table...


  2. #16 is the serial-slasher known as The Carver from the cable series Nip/Tuck.

    1. Hi Le0pard13!

      Yes! You got it, my friend. Well done!

  3. 7. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century "The Dorian Secret"

    14. Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Dead Man's Party"

    15. Nip Tuck, I'm not sure what episode.

    1. Hi Carl,

      Correct on all counts, buddy. Le0pard13 just beat you to the Nip/Tuck image, but otherwise these go up with your id tag!

  4. 2 Star Trek Conscience of the King

    5 Space: 1999

    15 Farscape

    1. William,

      You rock! You got it. All three image identifications are correct, sir!

  5. 5. "The Prisoner: Fall Out" I think.

    11. Is this "The X-Files: Our Town"?

    13. "Millennium: Single Blade of Grass"

    1. Hi Terri!

      Great job!!!!!

      All are correct, save for #5. But 11 and #13 go up with your name on 'em!

      Well done!


Shatner Day! Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)

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