Monday, September 28, 2015

The Cult-TV Faces of: Rafts

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Supercar.

Identified by Hugh: Gilligan's Island.


Identified by Hugh: Lost in Space: "The Raft."

Identified by David Colohan: Valley of the Dinosaurs.

Identified by Hugh: Korg, 70,000 B.C.

Identified by Hugh: Land of the Lost.

Identified by David Colohan: Return to the Planet of the Apes.

Identified by SGB: Spae Academy: "Life Begins at 300."

Identified by Hugh: The Simpsons.

Identified by SGB: SeaQuest DSV.

Identified by David Colohan; Lost; "Adrift."

Identified by David Colohan: Arrow.


  1. 1. Looks like Gerry Anderson, but I'll wait for a wiser head to name it.
    2. Gilligan's Island
    4. Lost in Space
    6. Korg, 70,000 BC
    7. Land of the Lost
    9. Jason of Star Command
    10. Simpsons

    1. Nice job, as always, Hugh. The only one you missed is #9.But you are in the right part of the galaxy, there...

  2. David Colohan6:15 AM

    Mornin' John,
    1. Fireball XL5
    2. Gilligan's Island
    3. Danger Island
    4. Lost In Space
    5. Valley of the Dinosaurs
    7. Land of the Lost
    8. Planet of the Apes: The Animated Series
    9. Ark II
    10. The Simpsons
    12. Lost
    13. Arrow

    A few wild guesses in there!

    1. Hi David, Good job all the way around sir, except for #1 and #9. But boy, you are so close on both of those!

  3. Hello John,

    #8 Return To The Planet Of The Apes:TAS
    #9 Space Academy
    #11 Seaquest DSV

    Hope your wife is doing well.


    1. Slam dunk answers, SGB. Well-done (as always). Thank you for asking about my wife. She is doing better, though the situation has not improved. It could take a few months until her vision returns to normal...

  4. 1. Supercar (I've got the DVDs so I know it well)
    9. Space Academy (he's even wearing the logo on his outfit!)

    Have a great day!

    1. Right on both accounts, Pierre! Job well done!


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