Monday, April 20, 2015

The Cult-TV Faces of: Floating Heads

Identified by Hugh: Star Trek: "Charlie X"

Identified by Hugh: Land of the Lost.

Identified by Will Perez Space:1999: "A Matter of Balance."


Identified by Lonestarr357

Identified by Hugh: Star Trek: The Next Generation: "The Nth Degree."

Identified by Hugh: South Park

Identified by Hugh: Scrubs

Identified by Hugh: How I Met Your Mother

Identified by Hugh: Phineas and Ferb

Identified by Hugh: The Walking Dead


  1. 1. Star Trek
    2. Land of the Lost
    4. Simpsons
    6. Star Trek: The Next Generation
    7. South Park
    8. Scrubs
    9. How I Met Your Mother
    10. Phineas & Ferb
    11. Walking Dead

    1. Hi Hugh!

      Great job! You ran the table, pretty much (as usual!) Happy Monday!

  2. 5. I wanna say "The Ben Stiller Show".

    1. Fantastic, Lonestarr! Talk about an obscure one! That was awesome!

  3. Would Mordok qualify?

    I mean, he has such a big head and he still gets it to float/fry around. heh.


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