Thursday, April 23, 2015

Ten Years Down...

What I looked like when I started blogging on April 23, 2005.

What I look like now.

I began blogging in this space on April 23, 2005. 

It's hard to believe that's ten full years -- and some 7,000 posts -- behind me.  

Time flies when you're having fun, I guess.

When I started this blog, I lived in another city, I was not yet a father (or a college professor, for that matter), and George W. Bush was our president. 

Star Trek was fading out on TV (Enterprise's cancellation was imminent), and the Star Wars prequels were coming to an end with the summer-time release of Revenge of the Sith (2005).

In terms of horror movies, found-footage films had not yet revitalized the genre, and we were still in the thick of the torture-porn age and seeing efforts such as (the incredible) Hostel (2005).

Back then, there was no Facebook for the public (though TheFacebook had been founded), and MySpace was huge.  

In 2005, I was writing Horror Films of the 1980s (2007), and prepping my web-series, The House Between (2007 - 2009) for production.

In the years since the blog started, I've also written The Rock and Roll Movie Encyclopedia, Music on Film: This is Spinal Tap, Music on Film: Purple Rain, Horror Films of the 1990s, Horror Films FAQ, Science Fiction and Fantasy Films of the 1970s, and Space:1999: The Whispering Sea. I've also become a regular columnist for Flashbak.

So a lot has changed, and a lot has stayed the same in the last ten years, I guess you could say.  

There have been many high points (the Chris Carter interview of 2009, Lance Henriksen Blogathon of 2011, and the totally unexpected [positive] response to my reviews of The X-Files: I Want to Believe [2008], Prometheus [2012], and Walkabout [1971] to name just a few).  

I'm trying to conjure up the bad stuff, or blog low-points, but I can't really summon any.  I suppose the lowest point of blogging here is, simply, cataloging those we lose.  

And losing Leonard Nimoy this year was the biggest gut punch of all. long will I continue to blog?

The short answer: Forever. (Or until Blogger turns out the lights, whichever comes first).

Actually, I'm just going to keep on trucking (or Trekking) until the (probably inevitable) moment when the blog starts losing its readership, and a new one doesn't show up. I'm already planning for Doctor Who's 100th Anniversary in 2063.

To all of you who have been here with me the whole time, part of the time, or even just arrived: thank you for visiting, and thank you for hanging around. 

Thank you for making this a great place to come to work every single day.  

Thank you for listening and reading as I sound off about my love and appreciation for horror, sci-fi, cult-television and everything in-between. You have made these last ten years an extraordinary, life-affirming experience. 

Now I gotta get back to work. 

This blog ain't gonna write itself.


  1. No, thank you, John. I really think you've influenced those, like me, who've come across your blog and found the joy, the thought of film, television and nostalgia we all share. Congratulations, my friend. Now, on to forever. :-)

    1. Le0pard 13: Thank you for all the fellowship, friendship and support over the years. You are a great colleague, and a great friend!

  2. woodchuckgod9:24 PM

    ... holy.. wow. I had no idea that not only were you hitting the 10 year mark, but that it's on -this- day. (as it's also my wedding anniversary, I'll likely never forget this now. lol)

    Congratuations on the 10 year mark and let me just echo le0pard13's thank -you-. Here's to more years down the line!

    1. WCG: Congratulation on your wedding anniversary!! Hope you had a great celebration! Thank you for all your friendship over the years. I am always thrilled to see a comment by Woodchuckgod!

  3. Thank you for all the years of work!

    1. Thank you, Raymond! Your support means a lot to me! It is much appreciated!

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    From time to time I find a blog with interesting content, start following it. Sometimes the content is great and I have to wait with anticipation the next post, as is the case with your blog. Thanks! I've found new movies and gained new insights to the ones I've seen.


    1. T.S.,

      Thank you so much for the kind words. I appreciate your comment (and your readership very much). It means so much to me to have intelligent, thoughtful readers visit this site to discuss and re-consider movies with me. A million thanks!

  5. What a milestone! Congratulations on that. As others have mentioned, your blogs have been a real joy to read. You've provided some wonderful insights over the years and helped me feel like I wasn't the only one out there who appreciated "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" or "The Golden Voyage of Sinbad". In addition, you've been an inspiration to me as a blogger, and I've learned a lot from your posts.

    I'm looking forward to your continuing work sir! Keep it up!

    1. Roman, I always love reading your blog, and reading your comments here when you visit. Your support means a tremendous amount to me. As you know, I love TMP and Golden Voyage...such great films of yesteryear, and it is always a pleasure to talk with another film scholar who loves them as much. You're the best!

  6. John I am so happy that you are here and will continue to be! I first learned of you when I purchased your newly published EXPLORING SPACE:1999 and ANALYTICAL GUIDE TO TELEVISION"S BATTLESTAR GALACTICA in the late '90s. I thoroughly enjoy your analysis. Ten years down and at least another ten years to go!

    All the best,

    1. SGB: I want to seriously thank you, my friend, for the years of friendship and commentary you have provided on this blog. I always look forward to your comments and thoughts, and to hearing from you. Thank you so much!

  7. John, Congratulations on your success! I've been reading for quite some time and am happy to count your blog among my go-to bookmarked websites. Great criticism forces you to re-examine your views and to see things from a different perspective. You've managed to change my perspective more than once, and I thank you for that. I'm looking forward to many more insights and very well-written reviews and articles!

    1. Steve: thank you so much. I loved (just) reading your comment on Alien 3, and also other movies I've covered here. You've got a great mind for analysis and criticism, yourself, and every time I read one of your comments, you offer something of value and interest. Thank you for all your support and friendship!

  8. I've very late with the birthday wish, but this is truly a great day.
    Continue your wonderful work. This week alone has provided some great writing and analysis on everything from the Hulk TV series to film. Thumbs way up!

    1. SFF:

      I appreciate you good wishes, my friend. You are also a tremendous blogger, writer and thinker, and I count it as my extreme good fortune to have the benefit of your insights, knowledge, and support. Thank you for the friendship, the fellowship, and the great writing!



Nimoy Day: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home  (1986), directed by Leonard Nimoy, proved such a sensation at the box office in the mid-1980s that its succes...