Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Reader Top Ten Science Fiction Films: Brad Baranet

My friend Brad Baranet came up with a great list of "Top Ten" science fiction films (with a number eleven, or tie thrown in, as well.)  I find this list particularly interesting since it pays tremendous heed to movie history, and includes a Trip to the Moon, Frankenstein, and Metropolis.

"Here it is:

1. Metropolis (1926)
2. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
3. Star Wars (1979)
4. A Trip To The Moon (1902)
5. Planet of the Apes (1968)
6. Frankenstein (1931)
7. Alien (1979)
8. Silent Running (1972)
9. The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951)
10. Blade Runner
10. Mad Max (tie)

And of course it's tough not to give an honorable mention to Plan 9 From Outer Space, clearly the best BAD sci-fi movie ever made!"

And don't forget, send me those top ten lists at Muirbusiness@yahoo.com.  After we get in all the entries, I'm going to count the number of votes per movie, and we'll come up with a kind of aggregated list!  Maybe we can actually get two lists based on reader votes, "Top Ten" and "Essentials" for those that don't make the cut.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Good list, I am glad that you included SILENT RUNNING(1972) by Douglas Trumbell.



AF Episode 5: "The Doll"