Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Reader Top Ten Science Fiction Film Lists: Pierre Fontaine

The lists are coming fast and furious now!  Keep 'em coming!   I'll be posting them all week (along with other posts), and then tallying up all the votes for a blog post this weekend.

Next up, a great list from reader and writer Pierre Fontaine.  I love that he has Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) on the list, to represent the work of the great Robert Wise.  

I almost moved The Andromeda Strain (1971) (also from Wise) onto my list.  But The Motion Picture is really terrific, and much better than it is given credit for.  I'm also happy to see King Kong on the list, and the George Pal War of the Worlds.  That's another one that made it close to my top ten.

So, here is Pierre's list:

"Here's a list of my top-ten sci-fi movies (with a few fantasy films thrown in as well).  I can easily name many more TV shows but here are the movies I really love:

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. Star Trek: The Motion Picture  (truth be told, 2001 and Star Trek are basically interchangeable...I know sacrilege!!!)
3. Planet Of The Apes (1968 version)
4. Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
5. Star Wars/The Empire Strike Back (tie)
6. Metropolis
7. King Kong (1933)
8. Forbidden Planet
9. War Of The Worlds/When World's Collide (tie)
10. The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951)

I would love to include a bunch of 70's sci-fi as well which would be very hard to rank in order:

Logan's Run
Soylent Green
Colusses - The Forbin Project

Great topic and as always a wonderful blog!"

Thanks Pierre, that's a great list!  Remember readers, send 'em to me at Muirbusiness@yahoo.com

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