Monday, April 03, 2017

The Cult-TV Faces of: Telescopes

Identified by Hugh: Mission: Impossible.

Identified by Hugh: Lost in Space.

Identified by Hugh: Space:1999.

Identified by Hugh: The Smpsons.

Identified by Hugh: Star Trek: The Next Generation: "The Inner Light."

Identified by Hugh: Futurama.

Identified by Hugh: Smallville.

Identified by Hugh: Enterprise.

Identified by Hugh: Once Upon a Time

Identified by Hugh: Doctor Who


  1. 1. Mission: Impossible
    2. Lost in Space
    3. Space: 1999
    4. The Simpsons
    5. Star Trek: The Next Generation
    6. Futurama
    7. Smallville
    8. Enterprise
    9. Once Upon a Time
    10. Doctor Who

  2. Hi John,

    1 Mission:Impossible
    2 Lost In Space
    3 Space:1999
    4 Simpsons
    5 ST Next Generation
    6 Futurama
    7 Smallville
    8 ST Enterprise
    9 Once Upon A Time



Nimoy Day: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home  (1986), directed by Leonard Nimoy, proved such a sensation at the box office in the mid-1980s that its succes...