Monday, June 10, 2013

The Cult-TV Faces of: The Daily Planet Staff

Identified by Hugh: George Reeves as Clark Kent in Adventures of Superman.

Identified by Hug: Gerard Christopher as Clark Kent, Superboy.

Identified by Hugh: John Haymes Newton, Clark Kent, Superboy.

Identified by Hugh: Dean Cain as Clark Kent, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.

Identified by Hugh: Tom Welling as Clark Kent, Smallville.

Identified by Hugh: The Super Friends.

Identified by Hugh: Phyllis Coates as Lois Lane in Adventures of Superman.

Identified by Hugh: Noel Neill, Adventures of Superman.

Identified by Hugh: Teri Hatcher as Lois Lane, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Identified by Hugh: Erica Durance as Lois Lane, Smallville.
Identified by Hugh: Jack Larson as Jimmy Olsen, Adventures of Superman.

Identified by SGB: Michael Landes as Jimmy Olsen, Lois and Clark.



Identified by Hugh: John Hamilton as Perry White in Adventures of Superman

Identified by Hugh: Lane Smith as Perry White, Lois and Clark.

Identified by Hugh: Michael McKean as Perry White, Smallville


  1. 1. George Reeves as Clark Kent, The Adventures of Superman
    2 & 3. Gerard Christopher and John Haymes Newton as Clark Kent, Superboy (the syndicated adventures)
    4. Dean Cain as Clark, Lois & Clark
    5. Tom Welling as Clark, Smallville
    6. Bud Collyer's voice as Clark, New Adventures of Superman (Filmation)
    7. Phyllis Coates as Lois Lane, Adventures of Superman
    8. Noell Neill as Lois Lane, Adventures of Superman (also Lois to Kirk Alyn in the Columbia serials)
    9. Teri Hatcher as Lois, Lois & Clark
    10. Lois, Smallville (name completely escapes me)
    11. Jack Larsen as Jimmy Olsen, Adventures of Superman
    12. Jimmy Olsen, Superboy
    13. Jimmy Breslin as Jimmy, Lois & Clark
    14. Jimmy on Smallville (I guess I need to learn the more recent show casts)
    15. Perry White (Neil Hamilton?), Adventures of Superman
    16. Lane Smith as Perry, Lois & Clark
    17. Michael McKean as Perry, Smallville

  2. Hi John,

    #12 Jimmy Olsen Lois & Clark (season one)


  3. What, no love for Marc McClure as Jimmy Olsen or Jackie Cooper from the Christopher Reeve movies? For shame!

    Otherwise, great lists as usual.

    1. Pierre, my friend...

      ...Remember the category: CULT TV FACES. I love those actors as much as the next Superman fan, but they didn't appear in TV series, but in film. I'll be covering all the films tomorrow, I promise! :)

  4. Silly're absolutely right! Oh well, I'll look forward to tomorrow's post. These themed weeks are a lot of fun!

    1. Marc McClure did appear once no TV--he played Jimmy Olsen in a commercial for the Super Powers toy line from Kenner, advertising the mail-away Clark Kent who was available.

  5. 13. Justin Whalin as Jimmy Olsen, "Lois and Clark"
    14. I didn't watch much "Smallville", but I want to say that's Aaron Ashmore as Jimmy Olsen.


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