Friday, June 21, 2013

Reader Top Ten Greatest Science Fiction Film Characters: Meredith Girard

My friend and reader Meredith Girard shares with the blog our first top ten list of SF film characters of Friday:

Meredith writes:

1) Wall-E
2) R2-D2 & C3PO
3) Huey, Duey, and Luey, from Silent Running
4) HAL
5) Khan from The Wrath of Khan
6) Superman (Christopher Reeves)
7) John Carter (from last summer's under-rated movie)
8) Spock (both incarnations)
9) Amelia Earhart (Night at the Museum)
10) Darth Vader

I love that John Carter gets a slot  I thought about including him as well, given how much I loved last summer's (underrated) movie.  

If I'm not mistaken, this list is also the first time that Khan appears on a list, which is a surprise, considering that the character has been elevated to the franchise's number one threat, seen in both Khan and Into Darkness.   

Also, I'm happy to see that Superman made the list, as he's on mine, as well...

1 comment:

  1. Yay for WALL•E, Khan, and John Carter making a list!


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