Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Reader Top Ten Greatest Science Fiction Film Character: Le0pard13 at It Rains...You Get Wet

The great Le0pard13, who blogs about all things film-related at the must-read It Rains...You Get Wet has posted his top ten science-fiction film characters.

I am presenting the list below, but be sure to check out the blog, and read all of Le0pard13's brilliant contextualization of the characters, and the reasons behind his selections.

Here are Le0pard13's choices (in order):

1. Ellen Ripley (Alien, etc.)

2. Roy Batty (Blade Runner)

3. Sarah Connor (The Terminator, etc.)

4. George Taylor (Planet of the Apes)

5. Wall-E (Wall-E)

6. Trinity (The Matrix)

7. Klaatu (The Day The Earth Stood Still)

8. Eleanor 'Ellie" Arroway (Contact)

9. Theo Faron (Children of Men)

10. Mal Reynolds (Serenity)

I love that this list includes Wall-E, the robotic Charlie Chaplin of Future Earth, a great and timeless character I'd like to follow on future cinematic adventures.  

Also, I appreciate this list is very strong on female characters.  We've seen Ripley and Sarah Connor on lists before, but this is the first time Trinity and "Ellie" from Contact are included, and they are terrific choices.  

Also, I'm glad that this list includes Roy Batty, the villain of Blade Runner who proves he is more human than human, so-to-speak.   He is truly an unforgettable character.

Don't forget to send me your list before midnight, Friday (at Muirbusiness@yahoo.com).


  1. Thanks for including me in on this, John :-)

    1. Thank you, my friend, for participating. Your list is well-thought out, and awesome.

