Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Reader Top Ten Greatest Science Fiction Film Characters: SGB

Reader and regular commenter SGB starts us off this afternoon with his top ten greatest science fiction film characters.

Take it away, SGB:

“I list the character (specific actor/actress) and the specific film(s) version of origin.

1. Colonel George Taylor (Charlton Heston)  [PLANET OF THE APES 1968, BENEATH THE PLANET OF THE APES 1970]

2.  Captain Nemo (James Mason) [WALT DISNEY'S 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA 1954]

3.  Freeman Lowell (Bruce Dern) [SILENT RUNNING 1972]

4.  Neville(Charlton Heston) [OMEGA MAN 1971]

5.  Lieutenant Ellen L. Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) [ALIEN 1979 and sequels]

6.  Logan 5 (Michael York) [LOGAN'S RUN 1976]

7.  Hal 9000 (Douglas Rain [voice]) [2001 (1968),  2010 (1984)]

8. Admiral/Captain Kirk (William Shatner)(Chris Pine) [I am crediting both because I think the J.J.Abrams films deserve it too.] 
[STAR TREK(1979-1991 MOVIES) and STAR TREK(2009- MOVIES)]

9. Gunslinger (Yul Brynner) [WESTWORLD 1973, FUTUREWORLD 1976]

10. R2D2 (Kenny Baker) and C3PO (Anthony Daniels) [They are the ultimate inseparable pair. If needed C3PO is #11. ] [STAR WARS(1977-1983 MOVIES)(1999-2005 MOVIES)]

This is a great list from SGB, and one that suggests that the science fiction films of the 1970s are still, in some ways, the zenith of the genre.  

The list includes characters from The Omega Man, Silent Running, Westworld, Logan’s Run, Alien, the Apes saga, and so forth…all important films from that decade.

I also note that many of the characters featured here are, in some fashion, loners.  Taylor, Captain Nemo, Neville, and Lowell are all figures who -- either through design or happenstance -- end up leaving human civilization, and operating outside its confines.

Finally, this is the third list to feature Taylor from Planet of the Apes, and the second to land the character in the number one spot!  


  1. John, thanks for posting and your thoughts on my list.


    1. Hi SGB,

      Thank you for contributing a GREAT list. I think that Taylor and Ripley are going to be running neck-and-neck for first place, but its still early days...


  2. It's great to see "Silent Running" in here. That movie really stayed with me as a kid. Great list, SGB!


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"