Thursday, June 20, 2013

Reader Top Ten Greatest Science Fiction Film Characters: Rob Barnes from Edge of the Fringe

Blogger and scholar Rob Barnes at Edge of the Fringe presents his list of the greatest science fiction film characters of all time.

Rob writes:

"Surprisingly I found this more difficult than the top ten science fiction movies list. Maybe because so many characters in science fiction movies are simply “hero” types with only minor differences in character. I was finally able to come up with this:"

1. George Taylor (The Planet of the Apes)

2. Yoda (as portrayed in The Empire Strikes Back)

3. Dr. Zaius (The Planet of the Apes)

4. Clarence Boddicker (Robocop) My favorite villain.

5. Neo (The Matrix)

6. Agent Smith (as portrayed in The Matrix)

7. Snake Plissken (as portrayed in Escape from New York )

8. Jillian Guiler (Close Encounters of the Third Kind)

9. Ellen Ripley (Alien, Aliens, and Alien³) No Resurrection allowed.

10. Nestor (Battle Beyond the Stars)

In terms of Rob's list, I'm thrilled to see a top ten spot for Clarence Boddicker from Robocop, a truly monstrous human being, and therefore a great villain.  I also love that Rob picked Nestor -- a hive mind cathexis-style being, from Battle Beyond the Stars.   Also, we've seen Roy Neary represented on the list, but not Jillian, so it's cool to see her make the top ten as well.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this! After looking at some of the other lists I realize there are so many good characters that could easily make the list.

    If you were to add TV characters then it would get really interesting.


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"