Monday, June 03, 2013

The Cult-TV Faces of: Clouds

Identified by SGB: The Vampire Cloud of Star Trek: "Obsession."

Identified by SGB: The Companion of Star Trek: "Metamorphosis."

Identified by Terri Wilson: Ardana, the Cloud City of Star Trek: "The Cloud Minders."

Identified by SGB: Star Trek: The Animated Series: "One of our Planets is Missing."

Identified by SGB: Space:1999: "The Beta Cloud."

Not Identified: The Fantastic Journey: "Beyond the Mountain."

Identified by SGB: The Fantastic Journey: "Vortex."

Identified by Terri Wilson: Doctor Who: "Underworld."

Identified by SGB: Battlestar Galactica (original); opening sequence.

Identified by SGB: Star Blazers, Desslok's Energy Cloud.

Identified by Terri Wilson: The Simpsons, Opening Sequence.

Identified by Brian A.Dixon: The Dal Rock of Deep Space Nine: "The Storyteller"

Identified by SGB: Star Trek: Voyager: "The Cloud."

Identified by Brie Holtz: The X-Files: "Rain King."

Identified by Terri Wilson: Lost (Smoke Monster).


  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    3. "The Cloud Minders" from the original "Star Trek"
    8. "Dr. Who"
    11. "The Simpsons"
    15. The Smoke Monster from "Lost"

    Terri Wilson

    1. Hi Terri Wilson,

      As usual, you don't disappoint! Your identifications are all correct, my friend. Well done!

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Hi John,

    1 Star Trek TOS "Obsession"
    2 Star Trek TOS "Metamorphosis"
    7 Fantastic Journey
    9 Battlestar Galactica TOS
    10 Star Blazers
    13 Star Trek Voyager


    1. SGB:

      Great and spot-on ids, buddy. You nailed 'em all!!!

  3. I'm game. Number twelve is the Dal'Rok, a mythical energy creature from the first season Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "The Storyteller" (1993). (Star Trek does love its clouds, doesn't it?) I've always loved that visual effect, and I've always wondered just how they did it!

    1. Hi Brian!

      Outstanding job, my friend. I always thought that "The Storyteller" was such a weird episode, but it certainly sticks out in the memory. And I agree with you: Star Trek loves those space clouds!

  4. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Hi John,

    #3 Star Trek TAS "One Of Our Planets Is Missing"

    I knew it had to be a Star Trek cloud. :)


    1. You got it, my friend! That's the planet-consuming cloud from Marc Daniels' episode "One of Our Planets is Missing." Star Trek has a LOT of space clouds...and I love that!

  5. Hi! if its not too late- I think 14 is from The Rain King ep of the X-files.

    1. It's not too late at all! Great job, Brie. Absolutely correct!


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