Saturday, June 01, 2013

Reader Top Ten Science Fiction Films: George Eichler

My long-time friend and regular reader, George Eichler, contributes our first list of the day.

Take it away, George:

"Haven't done one of these in ages and it was fun and a challenge.  I based my choices on, of course, personal favorites, but also on concept, execution, impact upon watching, and impact on films made afterwards.  So, here, listed by the year they were originally released, is my top ten.  Enjoy - I know I did putting it together.
1.  Metropolis (1926)
2.  The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951)
3.  Ikarie XB-1 (1963)
                (not to be mistaken for the English dubbed version ("Voyage to the End of the Universe"))
4.  La Jetee (1963)
5.  The War Game (1965)
6.  2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
7.  Planet of the Apes (1968)
8.  A Boy and his Dog (1975)
9.  The Lathe of Heaven (1979) (do made for TV movies count - this one should)
10. Blade Runner (1982)
1. The Damned (1961)
2. Creation of the Humanoids (1962)
I have explanations for all, but won't bore you with them.....unless you'd like me to  :-)"

George, I love your list, and I wondered if "A Boy and His Dog" would make any final ten.  Glad to see it did.  I enjoy that film tremendously.  I have not seen Ikarie XB-1, I admit, but now will try to get my hands on a non-dubbed, original version...


  1. I'd say The Lathe of Heaven, the simply splendid PBS adaptation of Ursula K. Le Guin's novel, certainly counts!

  2. John, Ikarie-XB1 is available in original form and the American International version as a two DVD set from Sinister Cinema.



AF Episode 5: "The Doll"