Saturday, May 07, 2011

Musings of a Sci-Fi Fanatic: Images of Millennium, Season One


Gordon Roberts, the architect and artist of Musings of a Sci-Fi Fanatic, returns for a second post today, the final day of the Blogathon.  His subject is the imagery of Millennium's first season, and it's a gorgeous post, perfectly in keeping with Gordon's keen eye.  This is one to savor and really enjoy,


These are images that surround the world of the tremendous character that is Frank Black created by Chris Carter and brought to life by Henriksen. There are plenty of places on the net to find images of Millennium, but I chose to select the images that spoke to me personally. Enjoy the end of days.

Thank you Gordon, this is another extraordinary post.


  1. Being a very visual being, I love how SFF captured some awesome moments in his screencaps. Totally awesome. Thanks.

  2. Le0pard13:

    I agree with you. Gordon has an amazing gift for the visual. I try not to get jealous. :)

    Seriously, that's one beautiful post, that shows off his amazing visual sense, and also the great imagery of Millennium.



  3. Thanks guys! You are two of the finest! Sincerely, sff -gr


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