Saturday, May 07, 2011

The Paxton Configuration: Not Bad For a Non-Player Character: Lance Henriksen and Video Games, Pt 2 (2009-Present)

Will Johnson is one of my favorite bloggers and film/tv writers, and he offered a great piece for the blogathon earlier in the week, one gazing at Lance Henriksen's work in video games. 

Today, Will returns with part two of that extensive, meticulous survey, entitled Not Bad For a Non-Player Character: Lance Henriksen and Video Games, Pt 2 (2009-Present).

Lance found himself, at first, on the fringes of video game history, slowly creeping up the trail towards 0s and 1s immortality, but then was involved in some of the most landmark franchises known to the video game market.

In 2009, Lance found himself in two well known franchises, the second being one of the most successful titles in video game history. But first came The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, where Lance provided, once again, supporting work behind film star Vin Diesel and fellow genre actress Michelle Forbes.

Thank Will, for another original and great article for the blogathon.


  1. Thanks for putting my pieces up! It was really fun watching not only the evolution of video games (even in such a short time) but seeing Lance's roles change and grow.

    Should be a good future ahead!

  2. Great job by Will covering LH's voice work in the game world. Thanks.

  3. Will: I agree with Le0pard13 completely. Your gave us a great, in-depth survey. Time to write it up for a gamer's magazine or gaming journal, I think!



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