Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Vern reviews Not Bad for A Human

At his blog, The Life and Art for Vern, the outlaw reviewer delves deeply into Lance Henriksen's new biography, Not Bad for a Human.


What surprised me most about the book was learning what a crazy life Henriksen lived before he became an actor. I don’t want to give too much away, but he goes from a family of grifters to a Naval brig to being left in the desert for dead...

Be certain to read the whole review; it's a great one.


  1. This was a very good book review. It's got me even more stoked for the biography's release. Thanks.

  2. Le0pard13:

    I liked Vern's review a lot too. Not Bad is going to be required reading for all of us Lance fans...


  3. A solid review and I echo the sentiments here. I'm very excited about the publication.

    Vern points out the weight of the material and its focus and I'm thrilled to hear it.

    Best, SFF


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