Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Not Bad for a Human Now Available!

Get your copy now, while supplies last. 

Order here.


  1. I've bought mine and have it on hold at the Dark Delicacies Bookstore in Burbank, CA for next week's signing event with Lance and Joe. Can't. Wait.

  2. Le0pard13:

    I can now officially reveal I've read the book...and that it's amazing. Seriously, this is one of the few biographies that I've ever read that I would actually categorize as a page-turner. You won't be disappointed!

    Good luck at the signing, and say hi to Joe and Lance for me!



50 Years Ago: Trilogy of Terror (1975)

Perhaps the most famous TV-movie ever made, Dan Curtis's  Trilogy of Terror  (1975), turns fifty today.  It also  boasts an impeccable p...