Thursday, May 05, 2011

Josef's Video Musings: A Lance Henriksen Birthday Video

Jósef Karl Gunnarsson in Iceland last year produced a wonderful and heart-felt video tribute to celebrate Lance Henriksen's birthday. 

I just had the pleasure of watching it, and wanted to post a link to it here, for your enjoyment, on this special day.    It's wonderful to hear the voice of Lance Henriksen himself, on this video, describing his art.

Check out his video, here, at Josef's Visual Musings.

Thank you Josef, for a wonderful visual contribution to the blogathon.


  1. As I posted on Jósef's site: "Awesome video tribute to a one-of-kind performer."

  2. I agree, Le0pard13: an awesome birthday video!


  3. Thanks guys. Much appreciated.

    Cheers from Iceland!
    - Jósef


Abnormal Fixation Episode 6: "Zeigarnik"

 Here is the conclusion of episode 1 of Abnormal Fixation: "Zeigarnik!"   Please enjoy (but also like and subscribe, and leave a c...