Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Fascination with Fear: Over Forty Years Of Kicking Ass And Taking Names

Christine Hadden, blogger and writer extraordinaire at Fascination with Fear, and frequent contributor to Fangoria, The Blood Sprayer and Paracinema, today contributes to the Blogathon: "Over Forty Years of Kicking Ass and Taking Names.

This great retrospective recounts in images and words Henriksen's incredible, multi-decade journey through film, horror and mainstream.


I was surprised, once I started really thinking about it, by how many horror films the man has actually done. In addition to the main-stream film work he's been a part of, and the three seasons of the stellar cult-status television show Millennium, the guy has put so much sci-fi and horror out there for us to enjoy that I could never touch on all of it, lest this blog be called Fascination with Lance Henriksen.

Christine, thank you for a wonderful contribution to kick off Day 3 here.


  1. Fine addition to the blogathon.

  2. Hi Le0pard13:

    I agree. I am a big Christine Hadden/Fascination with Fear fan.



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