Monday, February 27, 2017

The Cult-TV Faces of: Time Machines

Identified by Hugh: Doctor Who: "The Unearthly Child."

Identified by SGB: The Twilight Zone: "No Time Like the Past."

Identified by Hugh: Star Trek: "City on the Edge of Forever."

Identified by Hugh: The Time Tunnel.

Identified by Hugh: Star Trek: "All Our Yesterdays."

Identified by Duanne: Fonz and the Happy Days Gang.

Identified by Hugh: Voyagers!

Identified by Duanne: The Simpsons.

Identified by Hugh: Back to the Future

Identified by Hugh: Time Trax.

Identified by SGB: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.

Identified by SGB: The Outer Limits.

Identified by SGB: Star Trek Voyager: "Future's End."

Identified by SGB: Time Cop.

Identified by Hugh: MST-3K

Identified by Hugh: Futurama.

Not Identified (Terra Nova)


  1. 1. Doctor Who
    3. Star Trek
    4. Time Tunnel
    5. Star Trek
    7. Voyagers
    9. Back to the Future
    10. Time Cop
    15. MST3K
    16. Futurama

    1. Excellent work, Hugh, as always, my friend!

  2. Hi John,

    #1 Doctor Who [T.A.R.D.I.S.]

    #3 Star Trek [Guardian of Forever]
    #4 Time Tunnel
    #5 Star Trek
    #6 Fonz & The Happy Days Gang
    #7 Voyagers!
    #8 Simpsons
    #9 Back To The Future:Animated Series DMC
    #10 Time Trax
    #11 Lois & Clark
    #12 Outer Limits (new)
    #13 Star trek:Voyager
    #14 Timecop tv series
    #15 MST3K
    #16 Futurama


    1. Excellent work, SGB. You always do a fantastic job with these galleries!

  3. Hi John,

    #2 Twilight Zone "No Time Like The Past"


  4. I'll let others answer, but it's interesting that #6 emulates the current Dr.'s Tardis console, while #11 pay homage to George Pal.

  5. 1. Doctor Who. "An Unearthly Child"
    3. Star Trek "The City on the Edge on Forever"
    4. The Time Tunnel
    6. Fonz and the Happy Days Gang "The Vampire Strikes Back"
    7. Voyagers
    8. The Simpsons
    9. Back To The Future: The Animated Series
    11. Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
    15. Mystery Science Theater 3000
    16. Futurama

  6. I'd never seen #11 before! Looks verrrrrry familiar.


Nimoy Day: Baffled! (1973)

Early this week, I celebrated William Shatner's birthday, and today I want to draw attention to some of his co-star, Leonard Nimoy's...