Friday, January 29, 2016

The Superheroes of: The 1980s

In the 1980s, superhero productions underwent a dramatic change.While the Superman movie franchise dominated the first part of the decade, the last few years of eighties saw a transition to "dark," broody heroes such as RoboCop (1989) and Tim Burton's Batman (1989).

The decade also saw a gradual shift from TV to movies as the primary channel for superhero productions. 

TV failures such as Automan (1983), Manimal (1983) and Once a Hero (1987), coupled with the success of Batman (1989), assured that superheroes -- going forward for at least a decade -- would find a home on the silver screen.

How many of these eighties superheroes do you recognize and remember?

Identified by Sirrus: Pumaman!

Identified by BT: Condorman.

Identified by Sirrus: Superman in Superman II.

Identified by Sirrus: The Greatest American Hero.

Identified by Sirrus: Swamp Thing.

Identified by SGB: Automan.

Identified by Sirrus: Manimal.

Identified by Sirrus: Supergirl

Identified by BT: Sheena.

Identified by Dr. Howard Margolin: Once A Hero.

Not Identified.

Identified by BT: The Spirit.

Identifie by SGB: Superboy

Identified by Sirrus: Batman.

Identified by Sirrus: Captain America


  1. 1. Pumaman
    3. Superman
    4. The Greatest American Hero
    5. Swamp Thing
    8. Supergirl
    11. Robocop
    13. Superman
    14. Batman
    15. Captain America

    1. Great job, Sirrus! Only an issue of nomenclature -- "man" vs "boy" -- gets in the way of 100% correct ids!

  2. 2. Condorman?
    6. Tron?
    7. Manimal
    9. Sheena
    12. The Spirit

    1. BT: Excellent work All correct, except for #6.


  3. Hi John,

    #6 Automan
    #13 Superboy


  4. 10. Captain Justice from "Once A Hero"

    1. Great job on an obscure id, my friend.


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"