Sunday, January 03, 2016

At Flashbak; The Fisher Price Movie Viewer (1973)

This week at Flashbak, I recalled a great toy of the 1970s: the Fisher Price Movie Viewer.

“In 1973, Fisher Price introduced its popular “Movie Viewer and Cartridge” toy: a camera-like device that -- when operated by crank -- could show Super 8 mm films. 

This was the Fisher Price Movie Viewer, and as the commercials promised, children could crank the device in slow-motion, speed it up, or even run the film backwards.  Best of all, the device needed no batteries.

The Fisher Price Movie Viewer was sold with one cartridge, originally: a 1937 Walt Disney short called Lonesome Ghosts

Very quickly, however, Fisher Price developed a wide catalog of films for kids to purchase watch, including several animated Disney movies. 

Available on cartridge were Snow White (1937), Robin Hood (1973), Pinocchio (1940), and The Rescuers (1977).  There were also several Looney Tunes cartridges, one each for Bugs Bunny, the Road Runner, and Sylvester and Tweety.

Other cartridges sold by Fisher Prince included the Pink Panther, three Marvel Spider-Man titles, and in 1979, Disney’s big-budget space epic: The Black Hole.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like this toy has been revived!

    The build quality is reportedly somewhat poor on the cartridges, but it's compatible with the old ones.


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"