Thursday, January 07, 2016

Spaceships of the: 1960s

It was the 1960s and that meant, in terms of spaceships -- rocket ship fins and flying saucers for everyone!

Those two concepts (rockets and saucers) began to fall out of favor as the decade ended, thanks in large part to 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), which adopted a more utilitarian-seeming aesthetic.

This was also the era that first introduced the starship Enterprise, a ship whose design has remained largely the same despite letters (A, B, C, D, E, NX-1) signifying different models.

How many do you recognize?

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Fireball XL5.

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Thunderbird 3.

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: First Spaceship on Venus.

Not Identified.

Identified by Nicolas Lemarignier: Gorath.

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Robinson Crusoe on Mars.

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Lost in Space.

Identified by Nicolas Lemarignier: Voyage to a Prehistoric Planet.

Identified by Nicolas Lemarignier: Monster Zero.
Identified by Pierre Fontain: Dalek Invasion Earth 2150 AD.

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Star Trek.
Identified by Pierre Fontaine: 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Planet of the Apes.

Not Identified.

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Moon Zero Two.

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Journey to the Far Side of the Sun.

Identified by SGB: Planet of the Vampires

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Journey to the Far Side of the Sun.


  1. Ooohhh! Spaceships...a favorite topic of mine!

    1. Fireball XL5
    2. Thunderbird 3
    3. First Spaceship to Venus: Cosmostrator
    6. Robinson Crusoe On Mars: Martian Ships
    7. Lost In Space: Jupiter 2 and Refueling Station - Wild Adventure
    10: Doctor Who and The Dalek Invasion Of Earth (Peter Cushing feature film): Dalek Ship
    11: Star Trek: USS Enterprise
    12. 2001:A Space Odyssey - USS Discovery
    13. 2001: A Space Odyssey - Pan Am Shuttle
    14. Planet Of The Apes - Icarus
    16. Moon Zero Two
    17. Journey To The Far Side Of The Sun (aka Doppelganger)
    19. Journey To The Far Side Of The Sun (aka Doppelganger)

    1. Well-done, Pierre! Awesome identifications! Superb job, my friend!

  2. 5 - Gorath
    8 - voyage to the prehistoric planet
    9 - Godzilla versus Monster Zero

  3. John love these spaceship topics!
    Excellent answers. :)


    1. I love these spaceships too, my friend. Classic!

  4. #18 Planet of the Vampires(1965)

    I remembered this one. I believe this film inspired a bit of Alien(1979).


    1. SGB: Outstanding! Yes, Planet of the Vampires, I think, was a key influence on Alien. Great job, my friend.

  5. #16, between the Planet of the Apes ans Moon two zero, is from Barbarella

    1. Yep, that's Barbarella's ship. Better view

  6. I believe #5 is from "Wild, Wild Planet" and/or "War of the Planets", part of a trio of Italian space operas from the mid '60s that used those rocket ship sequences interchangeably. Apparently, these movies, through production connections, led to the making of the Japanese flick "The Green Slime" a few years later, which exhibits a similar aesthetic and leads many fans to consider it (unofficially) as taking place in the same universe.


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"