Monday, May 11, 2015

The Cult-TV Faces of: The Post-Apocalypse

Identified by David Colohan: The Twilight Zone: "Time Enough at Last."

Identified by David Colohan: The Outer Limits: "The Man Who Was Never Born."

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: The Outer Limits: "Soldier"

Identified by Greg Melli Jones: The Name of the Game: "L.A. 2017."

Identified by David Colohan: The Starlost: "Voyage of Discovery."

Identified by David Colohan: Planet of the Apes (TV Series): "The Trap."

Identified by David Colohan: Space:1999: "Breakaway."

Identified by David Colohan: Survivors (1978)

Identified by David Colohan: Ark II (1976)

Identified by David Colohan: Logan's Run: "Man out of Time."

Identified by Hugh: Thundarr The Barbarian


Identified by Greg Melli Jones: Whoops!

Identified by Mr. C: The X-Files:"The Sixth Extinction: Amor Fati."

Identified by David Colohan: Jeremiah.

Identified by David Colohan: Jericho.

Identified by David Colohan: The Walking Dead.

Identified by David Colohan: Revolution


  1. David Colohan7:20 AM

    Hello John,
    Really excited about your posts this week...

    1. The Twilight Zone
    4. Virus
    6. Planet of the Apes - The TV Series
    7. Space 1999
    8. Survivors
    10. Logan's Run
    15. Jeremiah
    16. Jericho
    17. the Walking Dead
    18. Revolution

    1. Good morning, David, great job. Only #4 in this list is off the mark. All others are correct! Brilliant!

    2. David Colohan1:56 PM

      Always wished that more of the Apes tv series could have been like The Trap. Thanks for an interesting list. What is number 12?

    3. Totally agree David. Really enjoyed The Trap and wished more of that series stayed on that track... so to speak. Post apocalyptic mass transit is just plain cool! Beneath the Planet of the Apes? Nuff said!

    4. Hi David -- #12 is from Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future (1987); the premiere episode "Shattered." I also agree with you about the TV series version of Planet of the Apes. The Trap was a great episode, and more episodes should have tread into the remains of the human world, as it did...

    5. David Colohan5:55 AM

      Ah I never would have guessed that one. I often wonder what a more adult Apes tv series set in the Forbidden Zone would be like. One can but dream....

  2. David Colohan7:23 AM

    Might try a few guesses too...

    2. The Outer Limits
    3. Lost In Space
    5. The Starlost
    9. Ark II
    11. Planet of the Apes - Animated Series

    1. David: Nice -- you took another 3 off the table (#2, #5, and #9). #9 Ark II was a trick, as well, because it uses left-over Planet of the Apes sets. Well-done for tagging it correctly!

  3. Anonymous7:26 AM

    1. Twilight Zone
    10. Logan's Run
    11. Thundarr the Barbarian
    15. Jeremiah
    17. The Walking Dead
    18. Revolution

    1. Awesome job, Hugh! All are correct, sir! Outstanding (and awesome that you recognized #11 from the great Thundarr the Barbarian!)

  4. Hey John,

    Here are my guesses:

    1. Twilight Zone
    5. Starlost
    9. Ark 2? (This is a complete guess).
    10. Logan's Run
    11. Thundarr the Barbarian
    15. Jeremiah (criminally under-appreciated)
    16. Jericho
    17. The Walking Dead
    18. Revolution

    1. Bruce, you did a fantastic job. All your ids are correct, and you also nailed the obscure ones (Ark II, Thundarr, etc.). You rock, sir!

  5. 1. It's not fair! Time enough at last. Twilight Zone
    3. Outer Limits. Purple twilight?
    4. LA 2017
    5. New Texas City. Space 1999
    6. Planet of the Apes. San Francisco, hanging out at the BART station.
    8. Survivors
    9. Ark 2.
    10. Logan's Run with REM
    11. Ookla Ariel... RIDE! Thundarr.
    12. Buck Rogers? Ruins of Chicago?
    13. Whoops!
    15. Jeremiah?
    16. Jericho
    17. Walking Dead
    18. Why can't I remember the name of this show? I know it. You know it. Nanobots? Really? No power. Revolution!!

    1. Greg,

      Holy cow! You mastered some of the absolutely most obscure images on this list. Namely, #4 -- The Name of the Game: "L.A. 2017." That is fantastic...and incredible. By the same token, you also identified correctly #13 as the TV series Whoops! I bow down before you, sir! :)

  6. Anonymous7:56 AM

    14 The X-Files, "The Sixth Extinction"

    Mr. C.

    1. You never disappoint, Mr. C! Great job on picking out that image from The X-Files episodes (which I like to call The Last Temptation of Fox Mulder...). Awesome!

  7. 2. Outer Limits: Man Who Was Never Born
    3. Outer Limits: Soldier

    1. Pierre,

      Awesome! You correctly tagged both of those images! Great job, my friend!

  8. Good subject John.

    I wonder what #12 is?


    1. Hi SGB! #12 is Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"