Thursday, July 17, 2014

At Flashbak: The Ten Most Ridiculous (But Awesome...) Horror Movie Tag-Lines of the 1990s

My latest article at Flashbak remembers some crazy horror movie tag-lines from the 1990s.

"By the beginning of the 1990s, horror movies had changed significantly from previous decades, and their tag-lines changed with the times too. 

In the 1970s, horror movies had titles such as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1973) or The Last House on the Left (1972), but movies of the 1990s were titled The Temp (1993) or Scream (1996). 

Additionally, horror movies of the 1990s were often big studio products, featuring A-list stars like Julia Roberts, which meant that they required a degree of decorum and respectability. Everything, including tag-lines, was becoming more…generic.

The great age of ridiculous but awesome movie tag-lines was largely at an end.

But, some movies still bucked the prevailing trend towards homogenization and featured some good olf-fashioned, sleazy, funny, inspired tag-lines.

Here are ten of the most ridiculous and yet awesome from that span."

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