Wednesday, July 16, 2014

At Flashbak: The Four Most Underrated David Lynch Films

My newest article at Flashbak -- "Dreaming with Your Eyes Wide Open" -- looks at the four most underrated films in director David Lynch's canon.

"In many of his films, director David Lynch demonstrates an unnerving capacity to tap into surreal and disturbing dream imagery. This imagery often demands analysis or interpretation, not to mention the full engagement of the audience. 

In short, you either follow Lynch willingly down the rabbit hole of visual symbolism, or you do so kicking and screaming.

If you choose the latter trajectory, then you likely reject his bizarre phantasms as either “nonsense” or merely as “meaningless.” If you choose the former route, you may find his bizarre films something akin to a mind-altering experience…and also deeply meaningful.

With such thoughts in mind, my selections for the four most underrated Lynch film experiences are those in which the narrative elements involve dreams, or the movies function as waking dreams themselves. 

My choices (in chronological order) are as follows:"

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AF Episode 5: "The Doll"