Monday, April 07, 2014

Cinema and Television Verities #116

“As you know, critics have been dropping like flies in all the newspapers and all the criticism is online now. The problem is, in my view, is that you can't tell the worth of a movie the year it comes out because there's too many sidebar things going on that distract you. I think if you look back at film history, a lot of movies that we revere now were critical and box office flops when they first came out like The Wizard of Oz, Citizen Kane, and all those older pictures that we now think of as classics were actually not that well-received. I think it takes a good five years before you can start looking back at a movie and really find its place in history.

-Director Joe Dante talks about movie critics, and movies that survive the test of time, with Tony Farinella, at 411Mania. (9/26/2012)

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