Monday, April 28, 2014

Ask JKM a Question: Monsters (2010)?


Regular reader Jess writes:

"My husband and I absolutely love your reviews!  We often watch a movie and then immediately read your review.  It really inspires our discussion!  A lot of times, you are able to verbalize what we are thinking, but can't articulate.

We recently watched Gareth Edwards' 2010 film Monsters. We were both very impressed with the movie (we had very low expectations).  We were surprised to see that you haven't reviewed this film, and are interested to see what you think! You should definitely consider this movie for one of your upcoming reviews.  We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!!"

Jess, I want to thank you so much for your kind words about my writing and my review.  They mean a lot to me.  And on a related note, I always love it when readers direct me to films I missed, or new films that deserve a look.

For some reason that I can't fathom, I never saw Monsters! But I am rectifying that problem immediately.  

I will be doing a "Godzilla Week" May 14 - 18 here on the blog to celebrate the release of Gareth Edwards' new take on the Big Green Guy, so it makes sense that I should familiarize myself with the director's earlier work.

That said, I will review Monsters tomorrow at 6:00 am.  Look for the review, and thank you again for the question.  And say hi to your husband for me, as well!

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AF Episode 5: "The Doll"