Monday, March 18, 2013

Ask JKM a Question: DVD Release Wish List?

Jason -- who asked me two weeks ago about overrated TV shows and movies -- asks another question this week:

“What TV series / movie not currently available on DVD / Blu-ray / streaming is on your wish-list?

Secondary question: what TV series / movie already released is in most need of an upgrade?”

Jason, that’s a wonderful question.  I would really love to see a Region 1 DVD release of Blake’s 7 (1978 – 1981).

I feel very strongly that this Terry Nation series is a critical piece of “space adventure” entertainment history, arriving as it did after Star Wars and Star Trek, and acting as a kind of political response to both.  The series boasted some popularity here in the U.S. in the late 1980s, after it aired on PBS stations.

Mirroring (and negating) the optimism of Star Wars, Blake’s 7 shows the incredible difficulties a rebellion against a technologically-advanced totalitarian state would face, on a nearly day-to-day basis.  After a time, desperation would set in...

And negating the optimism of Star Trek,  Blake’s 7 showcases an imperfect world where mean has not improved or evolved, only found better ways -- and new technologies -- to pacify unruly citizenry or dissenters.  I especially like the first two seasons of the program, but would appreciate a DVD release of all four seasons.

In terms of upgrades, I would love to own a blu-ray of both The X-Files (1993 - 2002) and Millennium (1996 - 1999).  These are two series that -- in terms of visuals -- look like legitimate, big-budgeted feature films.  The photography in both cases is gorgeous, and would look even better in blu-ray format.  I guess you could add the original Outer Limits (1962 – 1964) to this list, because I deeply admire the moody, black-and-white photography there as well. 

My wish list would include all the following titles:

The Amazing Spider-Man
The Evil Touch
The Fantastic Journey
Fantastic Voyage
Freaky Links
Freddy’s Nightmares
The Green Hornet
Journey to the Center of the Earth
The Immortal
Land of the Lost (1990s)
The Magician
The New People
One Step Beyond (Seasons 2 and 3)
The Others
The Phoenix
Phoenix Five
Project UFO
Quinn Martin’s Tales of the Unexpected
Salvage One
The Sixth Sense
Something is Out There
Space Rangers
Super Train
Wizards and Warriors
Wolf Lake

I'm sure I missed some important titles, but the list above represents a good starting point.

I need to think a bit more about movies which require an upgrade.  Right off the bat, I'm pretty sure that Don't Look Now (1973) -- one of my favorite horror movies -- doesn't have a Region 1 Blu-Ray.  That may be my starting point until I ruminate on it more.


  1. +1 for The Fantastic Journey

  2. Anonymous8:20 PM

    No mention of the 1959 series "Men into Space"! The docu-drama style show featured a serious projection of space travel with some well done effects (some of which showed up as stock footage in Outer Limit's "Moonstone", etc). I love these old retro future shows. If you get a chance, do see the 1950's Disney Tomorrowland shows about man and space. One of the DVDs features a spectacular live-action film of a trip to the color, sort of like "Conquest of Space" but without the matte lines. It represents some of the finest sci-fi work of the 50's but is rarely brought up in discussions.

    I would also love to see a collection of classic sci-fi themed tv commercials on DVD. Several dvds have the VW 'King Kong' ad from the early 70's. How about Caroline Munro in the sci-fi Pepsi ad from the early eighties? Or Leonard Nimoy driving his daugher around the rings of Saturn in a van ad! Or the Gerry Anderson produced "Alien Attack" puppet advert shown in theaters before "Star Wars" in 1977!

    1. I'd love to see "Men into Space" and "Moonbase 3" brought to DVD. Absolutely!

  3. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Of your choices John, my wish list would also include:

    The Amazing Spider-Man
    The Fantastic Journey
    Fantastic Voyage
    Journey to the Center of the Earth
    Land of the Lost (1990s)
    The Magician
    Project UFO
    Salvage One


  4. Hi John,
    Another fun question from Jason.

    The X-Files would be at the top of my list along with Millennium. In fact, I did hear The X-Files was slated to head in that direction soon my friend. No definitive date but it allegedly going to happen. Fingers crossed.

    I also would love Batman, the Hammond Spider-Man, The Fantastic Journey. Those would be great.

    You've also intrigued me along the way coupled with my love for Morgan and Wong and I really want to see The Others.

    Finally, Strangeworld. You have mentioned it in the past and I am VERY interested. My best.

  5. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Something Is Out There really needs to come to DVD. Especially the original 2-part mini-series. I'm really quite surprised that it isn't out by now.

    And Project UFO is another one that would be really nice to see. I wonder if that's ever going to make an "appearance" on the format?


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"