Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Game Board of the Week: Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Milton Bradley; 1979))


  1. Anonymous12:53 PM

    As a boy I got this game in 1979 and I always liked the artwork of these type games.


    1. Hi SGB,

      I also loved the art work for these 1970s era games. This Buck Rogers one is a little funny, however, since King Draco is right there at the center of action and the character hardly appeared at all in the film! Crazy...


  2. Hm. This looks a great deal like that Space: 1999 board game. Interesting.

    I've long had the impression Draco was intended to be more of a presence on the Buck Rogers TV show (as I understand it, the movie was filmed as a pilot, then released theatrically before working its way back to TV), but for some reason the character was dropped in favor of the recurring Ardala appearances. That was probably a wise decision...

    1. Hi Jason,

      You'r absolutely right. The Buck game does look much like the Space: 1999 game I featured last week.

      I agree with your thought process that Ardala makes a more -- shall we say more...appealing? -- presence than Joseph Wiseman's King Draco. It's not like the series needed him, but I find it odd that the action figures and game both include someone who is reduced to nothing more than a cameo in the movie.

      Somewhere out there, I suspect there is more to the Draco role, some footage we haven't seen. If so, I'd sure love to see it.

      Great comment!



AF Episode 5: "The Doll"