Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!!!!

Dear Readers,

I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas this year.  May all your holiday wishes -- Micronauts, ROM, Star Bird, Rock Lords, Maskatron, and otherwise -- come true.

And watch out for Larry Drake in a Santa suit.

warmest holiday wishes,

The Muirs


  1. Merry Christmas!,John.

    It sure looks like Santa is having lots of fun. Though, when I think about it, that's not the best way to enjoy the company of a fine lady... To each his own, I guess :D

  2. Anonymous8:32 AM

    awwww.. but I wanted a Fantom Four.

    Seriously - All the best to you and yours.

  3. Thank you very much. From my household to yours, all the best my friend.

  4. Hello my friends,

    Claudiu, Woodchuckgod and Le0pard13, I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday weekend. Thank you for always brightening my day (and the comments section...) here.

    You are all terrific!

    All my best,

  5. Merry Christmas to all the Muirs!

  6. Happy Holidays, JKM! I hope you had a good one and got that cool ROM action figure. ; )

  7. Hello Bobby and J.D.

    I hope you both had a great holiday! Thank you for the Christmas wishes!

    Bobby -- Great to hear from you, buddy! Hope you are doing terrific and enjoyed the season.

    J.D. -- No ROM yet (drats!) but there's always next Christmas! Hope you had an awesome holiday, my friend.

    Warmest wishes,


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"