Monday, December 20, 2010

All I Want for Retro-Christmas Countdown (5 Days Left): ROM the Space Knight!


  1. Oh wow, I remember this! I used to love the comic book also and always wanted that toy.

  2. Hi J.D.:

    I loved the comic book too, and I am still itching to get my hands on one of the toys...


  3. Ah, you boys beat me to it.

    I recall the comic book being very good.

    Did the comic book evolve from the toy, like Micronauts? I think so.

    Anyway, there were many terrific ROM comics with some great stories and very good artwork.

    My friend had the whole series and I remember that smashing good ROM adventure when he teamed up with the X-Men. It was kind of a snowy wintery tale.

    Anyway, great stuff! Thanks JKM.


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"