Friday, December 17, 2010

All I Want for Retro-Christmas Countdown (8 Days Left...): Micronauts!


  1. I want you to know John. I think your countdown to Christmas is a fun idea. I'm enjoying these.

    You know my love for Micronauts! What I wouldn't give for a minty in box Baron Karza, Andromeda, Space Glider, Time Traveller, Astro Station.

    Oh, I'd really love the Astro Station. I used to play with mine in the bathtub! : )

  2. Hi SFF:

    We're on the same page with Micronauts.

    I have a similar obsession with the Astro Station as well. I picked two up in a lot on E-Bay about a month ago, and am keeping one for myself and giving one to Joel! :) Wish I had gotten three, and I would send one your way in a heartbeat.

    Those toys are incredibly awesome. Joel is a total Micronauts fanatic now...

    All my best, my friend,


  3. This has to be one of the few old commercials I have a strong memory of!

    The Micronauts line of toys may be the most ambitious creation ever to come from Mego (RIP). At least those action figures were poseable, compared to the early Star Wars figures!

    Let's also give a nod to the comic book adaptations by Marvel, featuring great art by the likes of Michael Golden and Jackson "Butch" Guice!


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