Sunday, April 05, 2015

At Flashbak: Sci-Fi on the Cross: The Crucifixion Pose in SF Film and TV

At Flashbak, a brief survey of the Crucifixion pose as it has appeared in sci-fi film and television.

"In Christian belief, there are few symbols more powerful than that of the crucifixion. By going to his death on the cross, Christians believe, Jesus redeemed the human race. He delivered mankind from the penalties of sin. 

Throughout science fiction film and television history, the crucifixion pose -- the symbol of Jesus’s suffering and sacrifice -- has frequently been deployed to suggest the concept of meaningful and profound sacrifice.

Now, Jesus figures appear throughout sci-fi and TV history, in probably dozens of films. In John Carpenter’s Starman (1984), for instance, the alien played by Jeff Bridges descends to Earth and then -- after being human for a short time -- ascends to the stars.  But this article looks specifically at those incidents in which characters recreate the crucifixion pose on film..."

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