Monday, November 20, 2017

The Cult-TV Faces of: Thumbs Up!

Identified by Hugh: Star Trek: "A Piece of the Action."

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Space:1999

Identified by Hugh: Happy Days

Identified by Hugh: MST3K

Identified y Hugh: Twin Peaks.

Identified by Hugh: The Simpsons

Identified by Lonestarr357: The Animaniacs

Identified by Hugh: Mr. Bean

Identified by Hugh: The X-Files

Identified by Hugh: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Identified by Hugh: Supernatural

Identified by Hugh: Doctor Who


  1. 1. Star Trek
    2. Ark II
    3. Happy Days
    4. MST3K
    5. Twin Peaks
    6. Simpsons
    7. The Critic
    8. Mr. Bean
    9. X-Files
    10. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    11. Supernatural
    12. Doctor Who

  2. 2. Space:1999 (though I can understand how someone might think it's Ark II...the costumes were quite similar).

  3. Fun subject. Glad you included #2 Paul from Space:1999.


  4. Hilarious. This is the kind of thing where humanity has to look past politics and seek the kinds of things that bind us. Who doesn't do a thumbs up? so funny.

  5. I'll take it to the next level and admit I recognize the STAR TREK shot coming from "A Piece of the Action," one of my favorite and most rewatched eps. Thumbs up to this great collection.


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"