Monday, June 23, 2014

The Cult-TV Faces of: Students

Identified by Toby O'B: The Twilight Zone: "The Changing of the Guard."

Identified by Toby O'B: Rod Serling's Night Gallery: "Class of 99."

Identified by Toby O'B: The Sweathogs of Welcome Back Kotter.


Identified by Tony O'B: Ghost Story: "Alter Ego."

Identified by SGB: Battlestar Galactica: "Greetings from Earth."

Identified by Toby O'B: The Greatest American Hero.

Identified by Toby O'B: Fame.

Identified by SGB: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: "In the Hands of the Prophets"

Identified by Terri Wilson: The X-Files: "Syzygy."

Identified by Terri Wilson: Millennium: "Anamnesis"

Identified by SGB: Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Identified by Hugh: Alias.

Identified by SGB: Smallville.

Identified by Tonio Kruger: Veronica Mars.

Identified by Hugh: The Vampire Diaries

Identified by Toby O'B: Doctor Who: "Family of Blood"/"Human Nature."

Identified by Will Perez: Teen Wolf


  1. 1] Twilight Zone - Changing of the Guard
    2] Night Gallery - Class of 99
    3] Welcome Back, Kotter
    5] Circle of Fear - Alter Ego
    6] Nancy Drew (? - looks like Pamela Sue Martin from the back)
    7] Greatest America Hero (?)
    8] Fame (?)
    9] Star Trek: The Next Generation

    From that point on, I only know #17 - Doctor Who (Family of Blood/Human Nature)

    But I'm sure I'll be slapping my forehead when I find out what the other ones are.....

    1. Well done, Toby O'B -- The only two that weren't correct were #6 -- You were in the ball-park and that cut does look like Pamela Sue Martin's! -- and #9 -- in the right franchise but the wrong iteration! Otherwise, perfect!

  2. Hi John,

    1 Twilight Zone
    2 Night Gallery
    3 Welcome Back Kotter
    5 Ghost Story/Circle Of Fear
    6 Battlestar Galactica
    7 Greatest America Hero
    9 Star Trek DS9
    12 Buffy The VS
    14 Smallville
    17 Doctor Who


    1. Good morning, SGB: All your identifications were spot-on perfect, my friend. Great job!!!!!!

  3. 4. Isis
    13. Alias
    16. Vampire Diaries

    1. Good morning, Hugh! You were right except #4. That was one has still not been tagged, but it is definitely from the era of Isis, and I did cover the (mystery) show not long ago here for a Saturday morning flashback...

  4. Replies
    1. Hi Brian! You are correct, my friend #13 is Sydney Bristow from Alias!

  5. 18. Teen Wolf (new season starts today!)

    1. Hi Will: Yes! #18 is from Teen Wolf! Great job! I need to catch up on season two. I enjoyed season one very much. Filled the hole in my heart left by the cancellation of Buffy! :)

  6. Replies
    1. Hi again, Will: You are in the right era, and the right year, even. But wrong show..!

  7. 10. "The X-Files"
    11. "Millennium"

    1. Hi Terri,

      You rock, as always! Your identifications are 100% as usual! :)

  8. Could 15 be Veronica Mars? It would seem unusual if it were not on this list.

    1. Tonio -- yes!!!! Awesome you tagged that one. It's Veronica Mars all right...

  9. If that's Johnny Whitaker in the back row in #4, then it must be Sigmund and the Sea Monsters.


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"