Wednesday, June 04, 2014

At Anorak: "Up, Up, and Astray - The 5 Worst Superhero TV Shows of All-Time"

My newest article at Anorak has been posted, and it remembers some really bad, no good, awful superhero TV series of yesteryear.  

IN terms of television and cinema, we live in an age one rightfully term “Superheroes Triumphant.”
In other words, you can’t trip in a movie house these days without bumping into an auditorium showing another superhero film.
Already this summer, we’ve had three genre films: Captain America: Winter Soldier, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and X-Men: Days of Future Past. 
So after several decades of Hollywood getting superheroes decidedly wrong, suddenly the most famous creations of Marvel and D.C. are being treated with enormous respect and fidelity.  These superheroes of the 21st century get films made by top-of-the-line directors, and see budgets that frequently top 200 million dollar.
But in years past, many superheroes – especially those bowing on TV — were simply not so lucky.
Instead, producers only ended up creating terrible, eminently forgettable embarrassments.
There have been some truly lame superhero TV shows over the years, but few are as dreadful or as humiliating as the five programs tallied below, which successfully re-defined “lame” to mean “mask,” “costume,” and “cape.”

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